Parent Information & FAQ’s

Code of Conduct

  • We expect children, parents/guardians, community members and staff to adhere to the following principles:




  • With the goal of providing a safe and enjoyable environment, we expect appropriate behavior from children, members/parents/guardians and staff through clear communication, education, consistent transmission of licensing requirements and rules and the application of appropriate consequences. Some of the approaches that Rogers Society uses are:

    Reminders - explain expectations

    Repetition - repeat expectations with reasonable consequences

    Follow through - provide accountability

    Redirection - provide alternative actions when applicable

    Reparation - encourage relational remedies

    Rewards - celebrate appropriate behavior

    Removal - when in the best interests of the greater community

  • Rogers Society will not tolerate foul language, verbal or physical aggression, abuse, bullying, disrespect of others or their personal belongings or general unruly behavior by children, parents/guardians or staff members. In the event of inappropriate behaviour, Rogers Society will proceed within the following guidelines:

    • The individual will be asked to remove themselves from the situation

    • If inappropriate behaviour continues, a meeting with all necessary parties will be arranged to discuss strategies and a plan of action that would allow the individual to be successful in our programs

    • If the behaviour escalates and the safety of others is compromised, appropriate emergency services will be contacted, if necessary, for immediate removal from the premises.

      • Please note: Rogers Society will NOT hesitate to contact the appropriate authorities in such cases and as required

    • Document and report incidents to the Police, Emergency Services, VIHA licensing, The Ministry of Children and Family Development and/or appropriate authorities, as required

    • If it is determined that Rogers Society is unable to provide adequate support for the individual, we retain the right to terminate the relationship immediately

    In the event of a conflict with these Rogers Society policies, all communication should immediately be brought to the attention of the Executive Director. With face-to-face, phone and email conversation, the Executive Director will determine if the Board of Directors need to be involved.

    Rogers Society and its Executive team will be committed to dialogue and understanding, working for positive ways to arrive at cooperative agreements in the best interest of Rogers Society.

  • In our licensed childcare programs, as required by licensing, staff will not use any form of physical punishment, verbal or emotional abuse or denial of needs, even if suggested by a parent/guardian (Examples of these behaviours would be: shaking, shoving, hitting, belittling, degrading, humiliating, restricting access to food, water, toileting, washing facilities or adequate rest). Staff will not engage in conversation with parents in regards to the misconduct or negative behaviour of their children unless a prior meeting has been arranged with the Licensed Program Manager and all are in attendance. Specific concerns or questions from parents/guardians should be directed towards the Licensed Program Manager. If staff are made aware of or see evidence of abuse or neglect of a child, the incident or suspected incident will be documented and reported to the authorities immediately, as required by law.

    In the event of a conflict with Rogers Society policies, all communication should immediately be brought to the attention of the Licensed Program Manager. With face-to-face, phone and email conversations, the Licensed Program Manager will determine if the Executive Director needs to be involved. They will be committed to dialogue and understanding, working for positive ways to arrive at cooperative agreements in the best interest of Rogers Society.


  • Yes, Child Care Licensing Regulations require caregivers to provide children with indoor and outdoor activities that encourage healthy growth and development. We at Rogers Society do this in a variety of ways:

    • Make being active a normal part of our programs

    • Provide a variety of active toys such as hula hoops, jumping ropes, bean bags and a variety of balls in different sizes

    • Encourage active sports in our daily choice of activities, ie. soccer, hockey, basketball, wide games, hikes

    • Offer a mix of open-ended/free play and adult-led play experiences outside on the adjacent field and playground

    • Provide a safe setting

    • Make activities fun and offer choices of active play ideas

  • Yes, Child Care Licensing Regulations allow no more than 30 minutes per day of screen time in a child care environment. As such, we, at Rogers Society, do NOT allow children in care to bring or use their own screen devices and we do NOT offer screen time as a general daily practice.

    Screen activities, including computers, movies or active video games are reserved for inclement weather activities or special occasions with no more than 150 minutes of screen time accumulated per week.

  • Beginning in January 2023, we will offer breakfast for ALL Before School Care children. In our on-going commitment to families needs and children’s health, it is our desire to offer daily breakfast items. We will be working collaboratively with local businesses to sponsor simple, healthy breakfast choices so that children are able to fuel themselves appropriately before school each day. This comes at NO ADDED cost to all families registered in the BSC program and is optional for children to participate.

  • We do not provide snacks in any of our Licensed programs. We encourage healthy choices and support families in their own dietary choices and we offer dedicated ‘snack times’ in our programs so children can eat the food they’ve brought from home. (On occasion, we may offer food in pre-planned activities. In such cases, parents and guardians will be informed ahead of time.)

  • Pre-planned out trips are an essential part of our regular programs and are made possible with the use of Rogers Society’s very own school bus and/or public transportation.

    They are primarily hosted in our After School Care program and parents/guardians will be asked to give permission before their child can participate. In camps and on extra care days, out-trips are more frequent and permission is embedded into our registration process.

Payment / Fees

  • Yes! Society membership is MANDATORY for Before and After School Care licensed program registrations. It is automatically included in the Annual registration fee. (Members are entitled to vote in the Annual General Meeting, join the Board of Directors for Society governance and have access to our non-profit facility rental rates) All membership fees ($1/year) are non-refundable.

    • Drop-in before school care fee is due at registration and can be paid online

    • The maximum number of days per month to drop in is 5. Over 5 drop-in registrations in a month, the parent/guardian will be required to pay the difference of the monthly fee

    • Registrations must be made 24 hours before the program date (Rogers Society reserves the right to change this threshold due to extenuating circumstances and will state clearly any changes to this policy, upfront)

    • Refunds will NOT be given for absences, withdrawals or changes in enrollment (NO EXCEPTIONS)

    • Before and After School Care Fees must be paid by pre-authorized debit monthly on the first or semi-monthly on the first and fifteenth of the month

    • All pre-authorized debit transactions that cannot be completed due to insufficient funds will be charged a $25.00 fee, per occurrence (Rogers Society reserves the right to terminate registration after 3 offenses)

    • Auto-withdrawals are processed on the 1st and 15th of the month (no adjustments or changes can be made after the 20th of the previous month)

    • Four (4) week written/email notice is REQUIRED for ANY and ALL changes to registrations or payments, NO EXCEPTIONS

    • Changes to registrations that occur with less than four (4) weeks notice, will be required to make full payment of the next month's fees

    • Refunds will NOT be given for absences, withdrawals or changes in enrollment (NO EXCEPTIONS)

    • Payments are due at registration and can be paid online via credit card

    • $10 fee for any adjustments to registrations, ie. switching weeks and/or days

    • Registrations must be made approx. up to 24 business hours before the program date (the Rogers Society reserves the right to change this threshold due to extenuating circumstances and will state clearly any changes to this policy, upfront)

    • Camps, Extra Care Days and Early Dismissal are 100% refundable with 30 days or more notice. 50% credit will be provided, upon request within 2 weeks notice

    • Refunds will NOT be given for absences, withdrawals or changes in enrollment (NO EXCEPTIONS)

  • Registration:

    • Full Annual Registration for Before and After School Care:

      • $100.00 annually (September - August, includes 1 voting membership per household $99 registration + $1 annual society membership)

    Program Fees:

    • Before School Care 2022/23

      • $175.00 per month

    • After School Care 2022/23

      • $325.00 per month

    • Winter 2022/Spring 2023 Camps

      • $225.00 per week/$60.00 per day for drop-in

    • Summer Camp 2023

      • $235.00 per week/$60.00 per day for drop-in

    ** On occasion, Rogers Society may offer early bird prices as well as different rates for late registrations**

    Extra Care Days:

    • Non-Instructional / Pro-D Days 2022/23

      • $330/school year

      • $60.00/ day for drop-in

    • Early Dismissal Days 2022/23

      • $40.00 per day

    • Kindergarten Gradual Entry Days 2022/23

      • $60.00 per day

  • Penalties:

    • NSF (Not Sufficient Funds)

      • $25.00 per occurrence (after 3 occurrences, we reserve to right to terminate care)

    • Late Payments (any fee not paid until the first day of the next month)

      • $5.00 per day late

    • Early Withdrawal (less than 30 days notice from the first of the month)

      • 1-month fees, in lieu (30 days/4 weeks)

    • Late Pick-Up

      • $25.00 per quarter hour after 5:30 p.m (after 3 occurrences, we reserve to right to terminate care)

    • Failure to Notify Absence (Missing Child)

      • $0.00 - 1st occurrence, WARNING

      • $50.00 - 2nd occurrence

      • $75.00 - 3rd occurrence (after 3 occurrences, we reserve to right to terminate care)

    • Payment Failure or Insufficient Funds

      • $25.00 per occurrence (after 3 occurrences, we reserve to right to terminate care)

    • Extra Care Day registration adjustments

      • $10.00 per occurrence

    • Camp registration adjustments

      • $10.00 per occurrence

    • Over 5 drop-in registrations in Before School Care

      • Balance of 1-month Before School Care fee

  • Yes, we are happy to support families who receive the ACCB. Please note that benefits are paid in CREDIT to parents and guardians AFTER full monthly payments and fees have been received. Parents and guardians are responsible for applying and understanding all information provided by the Ministry regarding how the ACCB is calculated and for paying Rogers Society in advance for ALL registrations and the balance of all child care fees not paid by the Ministry.

    Please note: Divorced or separated families MUST apply for the ACCB separately for the children they have in care and make payments for. Rogers Society is not responsible for communicating changes to family payment plans to ACCB and will only claim and payout credits to the named, paying parent/guardian. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    As ACCB is only paid for child care that is provided, if there are fewer days of the stipulated type of care provided in a certain month, adjustments to the family’s account will be made the following month once benefit claims have been processed and credits will be provided.

  • Yes, we are enrolled in the CCFRI program for families who have children in our care that are currently enrolled in Kindergarten.

  • Yes, in February of each year, a statement of fees paid the previous calendar year will be provided in the Child’s name with reference to the member/parent/guardian payee. The Annual Fee statement is the total amount of child care fees paid to Rogers Elementary Out of School Care Society, monthly Before and After School Care fees, Extra Care Day and Camp fees.

    Please note: Divorced or separated families will be provided tax receipts based on their ACTUAL payment history in the previous tax year. Rogers Society is not responsible for reporting any other details or payment/tax arrangements that parents/guardians may have. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Information on Licensed Programs

  • Notification of absence is mandatory for our after school care program and early dismissal days and a courtesy for our other programs. Attendance is expected unless notification is received, in advance, via the absent text line available 24/7:


    • Failure to notify will result in our missing child protocol being enacted

    • Parents/guardians/emergency contacts will be contacted to confirm the child’s whereabouts; in the event of the child's location not being confirmed immediately, Rogers Society staff will call 911 to report a missing child to the authorities and cooperate fully with emergencies services

    • Failure to Notify Absence (Missing Child)

      • $0.00 - 1st occurrence, WARNING

      • $50.00 - 2nd occurrence

      • $75.00 - 3rd occurrence and with respect to the severity of our Missing Child protocol, future care will be TERMINATED with no refunds to be given, NO EXCEPTIONS

  • All licensed programs are closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, B. C. Day, Labour Day, Truth & Reconciliation Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Additionally, Rogers Society is closed for:

    • One (1) Administration/Staff Training Day at the end of the school year

    • One (1) Administration/Staff Training Day at the end of August

    • One (1) week in between Christmas and the New Year

  • As our facility and grounds are owned by School District 61, we are obligated to close based on unusual weather, health concerns, facility damage or other factors that put the health and safety of children or staff at risk. If Rogers Elementary School is closed, we will also be closed.

    In case of emergency, parents and guardians will be contacted via phone and/ or email to arrange for immediate pick-up.

    In the event of more than three (3) consecutive days of an emergency closure, fee credits will be considered by the Licensee, Executive Director and Board. (Due to ongoing operational costs, credits cannot be guaranteed even under emergency circumstances.)

    • Before School: K - Grade 5 at Rogers Elementary School ONLY

    • After School: K - Grade 5 at Rogers Elementary School ONLY

    • Winter / Spring Camps: OPEN for K - Grade 5 from any school/district

    • Summer Camp: OPEN for Grade 1 - Grade 5 from any school/district

    • Extra Care Days (Pro-D Days): OPEN for K - Grade 5 from any school/district

    • Early Dismissal Days: K - Grade 5 at Rogers Elementary School ONLY

    • Kindergarten Gradual Entry Days: K at Rogers Elementary School ONLY

Additional Information

  • Yes, children with support needs are welcome in our programs.

    If your child has support needs, the following is required to properly enroll:

    • Full disclosure of the child’s support needs at the time of registration

    • A licensing-required care plan developed and signed by family and Rogers Society staff

      • Must also have the necessary funding through Island Health for an extra care support staff

  • Should a child be seriously injured or require medical attention while in care, Rogers Society will contact parents/guardians immediately. In extreme cases, emergency medical care will be contacted first, with parent(s)/guardians being contacted immediately after.

    Children will NOT be allowed to attend our programs if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:

    Fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, flu symptoms (runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches), sore throat, skin rash, lice or nits, eye infections or ringworm.

    If we suspect a child may have a communicable disease, parents will be required to arrange for immediate pick-up and then present a doctor’s note clearing them to return to our program.

    Children requiring medications while in our care MUST have their parent/guardian complete a Licensed Care plan and a Permission to Administer form. Once the forms are completed, all medications must be in their original containers, labeled with clear directions and surrendered to staff upon drop-off/sign-in.

  • We will not deny a parent/guardian access to their children unless in receipt of a court order denying or limiting access. All custody arrangements are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and Rogers Society assumes no liability for check-in or check out.

    Parents/guardians are responsible to include all people approved to check-in/check-out their children in their online account. Any and all communication arrangements to staff members, school/school board/school teacher/school district will NOT be honored or recognized as legally binding. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • No. Due to licensing requirements, all individuals over the age of 12 at Rogers Society must have a current Criminal Records Check on file. While Licensing allows for parents/guardians to check in and check out their children without requiring a CRC, loitering is not allowed during our licensed care hours of 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m, Monday through Friday.

  • Yes, under the following circumstances, the Licensed Program Manager and Executive Director reserve the right to terminate registration:

    • 3 Failure to Notify occurrences

    • 3 or more penalties have been charged to an account (ie, NSF, late payments or late pick up)

    • Failure to pay monthly fees for 15 days (NSF)

    • Breach of code of conduct from either parent/guardian or child

    • Programs provided that do not adequately meet the needs of the child as determined by the Licensed Program Manager

    • The safety of a child, parent/guardian or staff are compromised

  • Parents/guardians are responsible to check their children in with a staff member upon arrival at Rogers Society in the morning. Check-in and check-out will be done by staff ONLY - all parents/guardians will need to report directly to staff at arrival and departure. After School Care, Kindergarten children are retrieved by Rogers Society staff and children Grades 1-4 are expected to make their way to Rogers Society in a timely fashion, on their own, where staff will digitally check them in. At the end of the day, parents/guardians are responsible to check their children out with staff directly.

    As licensing and insurance require check in and check out, only those people indicated on a child’s registration form will be allowed to pick them up unless prior consent is received. No child will be released to anyone under the age of 14, including siblings or relatives.

    Rogers Society will not be held responsible for a child’s care until they are checked in or after they are checked out and reserves the right to refuse the release of a child to any authorized person if they appear impaired or unable to adequately care for the child. In such cases, if a more appropriate and authorized person cannot pick up the child, Rogers Society will notify Child Protection Services and the local police.

  • Occasionally, we capture photos and videos of special moments in our programs to share with families and social media. If you do not wish to have your child in any media, please email us at

Waitlist FAQ

  • Yes, we offer various waitlists as follows:

    • Before and After School Care, Early Dismissal Days and Kindergarten Gradual Entry Days for K - Grade 4 for Rogers Elementary School children ONLY

      • If there are 2 or more children who have the same start or waitlist date, the youngest child will be offered the space first

      • Grade 5 enrollment will be considered on a case-by-case basis

      • Spaces available are determined by licensed ratio and staffing constraints

    • Extra Care Days and Camps for K - Grade 5 children from any school/district

      • First come, first serve

      • Spaces available are determined by licensed ratio, staffing constraints and planned out-trips

  • While our goal is to provide child care for as many Rogers Elementary families as possible, our waitlist does not work on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. With a few exceptions, we give priority to current member families and to families whose children are enrolled at Rogers Elementary in K - Grade 4. Our Extra Care Days and Camp days are open for enrollment to all.

  • No application fee but there is a $100.00 annual registration fee (that includes a $1 society membership) if you accept a space.

  • The length of time is different for each age group and type of care. Waitlist times can vary from 1 year to 3+ years. It is very difficult for us to estimate when space might become available, as there are many factors that are used to offer spaces (i.e. the date you came onto the waitlist, the type of program you are looking for, etc.). We always suggest that you put your child’s name on other child care providers’ waitlists in addition to ours.

  • When a space becomes available, we send a notification by email and phone. You will have 24 hours to respond to the space offer and, if we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will move to the next child on the waitlist. As such, it is important for you to inform us of any changes in your contact information as we are not responsible for keeping waitlist contact information up to date.

  • If you turn down an offer for space which matches your request on your waitlist application, your child’s name will be moved to the bottom of the waitlist and you will lose your priority status. If you no longer need a child care space, please contact us so we can remove your name from the list.

  • We have a 4-week notice of withdrawal policy. If you accept a space (submit an online registration form and pay the $100.00 annual registration fee), you are responsible for a 4-week fee payment unless your notice for withdrawing is more than 4 weeks prior to your child’s start date. Your child can then be placed back on the waitlist and he/she will have a new waitlist date.

    • Note: If you do not provide the 4 weeks notice/pay in lieu of notice, we will not put your child back onto our waitlist.

  • Although we cannot guarantee space, children already in our programs always have priority for the coming year.